Best-in-class defenses to ward off the most advanced hacking attempts.
The number of cyberattacks targeting small- to medium-sized businesses is increasing at an alarming rate. And as each day passes,
hacking schemes get more advanced, but that doesn’t mean you need to continue running your business in fear.
Partner with F1 IT and we’ll defend your infrastructure against all types of attacks. Our network security specialists will implement,
configure, assess, and monitor your systems 24/7/365. We protect your business on all fronts by constantly developing and improving
our expertise, ensuring we stay three steps ahead of cybercriminals.
Intrusion Detection Systems
Prevent unauthorized network access.
Antivirus Software
Stop malicious apps from disrupting your productive infrastructure.
Anti-Phishing Protection
Stop those annoying, tricky emails from fooling your staff and causing problems.
Email Link Filtering
Prevent your staff from accessing malicious email links.
Content Filtering Tools
Prevent your staff from accessing suspicious or unwanted websites.
Antimalware Protection
Protect your computers and servers from destructive malwares.

Network Security
Our managed network security services and compliance solution detects
cyber threats against businesses like yours and provides immediate notification
of anything suspicious. Plus we have seasoned analysts reviewing your systems
every day to make sure nothing sneaks by our operations. Protect your
employees and network by preventing questionable and unsafe content from
entering your IT infrastructure.